Who Is Casey Rose?

It might be easier to talk about who Casey isn't.

Casey isn't a good husband.

Casey isn't a good father.

Casey isn't even what would be considered an upstanding member of the community.

In fact, Casey probably should be exactly where he is, in prison.

There is no denying that Casey has broken a number of laws.

Some of them involved guns.

He sold drugs, he robbed other drug dealers.

He was affiliated with a prison gang.

Casey failed at life.

Casey was mentioned in several news articles.

Broken Home

Casey Mark Rose, like so many others, was born into a broken home. His parents divorced early on, creating a situation where he bounced back and forth between his parents.

His father went on the remarry and have additional children.

His mother was addicted to pills and other drugs for most of Casey's life.

Casey found his home in the streets.

It wasn't long before he fell in with a bad crowd and found himself in jail, and eventually prison.

Prison Gangs

person holding black and silver semi automatic pistol

Photo by Nathan Costa on Unsplash

Photo by Nathan Costa on Unsplash

The fact that prison is racially divided isn't something one inmate can change.

Prison gangs are not the same as street gangs.

Joining prison gangs is often the only means to survival.

A Broken System

Prison Systems is a business, and just like any other business, the goal is to make a profit.

In Texas, the prisons force inmates to work without pay. They work at numerous factories, creating free labor for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

The fruits of their labor are sold to other companies at a profit, creating one of the most profitable business models in existence.

Rehabilitation is up to the individual and is a term used to pacify the common citizen.

1 U.S.A dollar banknotes

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

A Life of Crime

With no discernable skills to satisfy the immediate need for shelter, food, and other necessities, Casey returns to what he knows. Selling drugs.

Inevitably, Casey becomes a product of the broken home and the broken system he came from.


In 2014, Casey was arrested by a Federal Task Force for his part in a drug conspiracy.

In order to understand this story, we must examine the act of conspiracy and the sentencing guidelines that are associated with it.

In this type of criminal case, a defendant can be held accountable not only for their own illegal actions but also for the unlawful actions of others involved in the conspiracy. So, even if you personally didn't directly engage in any wrongful acts, being part of the conspiracy can make you legally responsible for the actions of your co-conspirators.

Conspiracy is actually considered a separate charge from the main drug-related offense. So, when it comes to punishment, it depends on the specific drug charge that's involved. In the federal legal system, attempting or planning to commit any drug-related violation is also considered a serious offense, and there are laws in place to punish those involved in drug conspiracies.

The punishment can be up to life, depending on the underlying drug charge. The most frequently charged federal drug statute carries punishment with a mandatory minimum of 10 years to life in federal prison.

Catch-All Statute

Federal criminal prosecutions involving narcotic drug distribution frequently include allegations under 21 U.S.C. § 846, the catch-all statute for all forms of drug-related criminal conspiracies.

In the case of drug conspiracies, even if someone is not directly involved in drug-related crimes, they can still be charged because they were part of the agreement. Sometimes, the actual crime that the conspiracy is centered around may not even be successfully carried out. But the agreement itself is enough to hold the members accountable for their involvement.

Overt Acts

An overt act is another component of the drug-conspiracy laws

This can be as direct as showing up to the drug deal and selling narcotics and as indirect as providing another member of the conspiracy with information, assistance, tools, etc. to further the success of the conspiracy.

This means that the co-conspirators are:

1. not required to have ever met

2. not required to have been arrested in possession of any drugs.

3. subject to be charged with any amount of drugs resulting from a co-defendant's testimony, which on the state level is considered, "here say."

Relevant Conduct

The concept of "relevant conduct" allows people to testify about drug sales, leading to increased sentences.

This phenomenon, known as "ghost dope," is prevalent in the federal criminal justice system.

Impact of "Ghost Dope":

People can face longer sentences based on false testimony about drug sales.

Desperation and the promise of reduced sentences motivate individuals to lie and implicate others.

Addressing the Issue:

"Ghost dope" in sentencing is unjust and unfair.

Those motivated by lighter sentences may be willing to tell the truth when confronted.

What are the Chances for a “Not Guilty” Verdict if a Federally Charged Criminal Defendant Takes the Case to Trial?

Statistically not very good. Currently, federal prosecutors tout above a 95% conviction rate. This is primarily due to the fact that most cases never make it to trial.

Casey was approached by his attorney and offered a plea agreement of 35 years for an amount of drugs that was determined by his co-defendant's testimony.

He refused.

He fired his attorney and told the judge he wanted to go to trial Pro Se.

Pro Se

When you are without an attorney, you are proceeding "pro se." If you represent yourself in Court, you are called a "pro se litigant" or a "self-represented litigant." "Pro se" is a Latin term, meaning "on one's own behalf" and a "litigant" is someone who is either suing someone or is being sued in court.

The Transcripts

Below you'll find volume one of Casey's trial transcripts. There is no substitution for reading them. They are very interesting.

Transcripts Volume 2

Transcripts Volume 3

Transcripts Volume 4

Sentencing Hearing

Casey's Interview

Nobody, not even Casey denies that he should've been sentenced to prison for his crimes.

Casey received the exact same sentence as El Chapo.

Life without the possibility of parole.

Is that fair sentencing?